About this Form
About this Form
- You can use this form to submit a Request for Quote for the Large Print Edition of Churchill Island: History and Her Story.
- This book is printed On Demand. We do not hold any copies in stock.
- The estimated cost is $40.00 per copy plus postage and packaging of $20.00 per copy.
- The actual cost will depend on these factors:
- The number of copies you wish to have printed.
- Whether you wish to pickup your order in Person or have it delivered by Australia Post.
- The delivery address.
- Once we have an exact price, we will send you an Invoice.
Payment Options
Payement Options
- Once we have an exact price, we will send you an Invoice.
- When you receive the Invoice, you will be able to pay using one of these payment methods:
- Credit Card/Debit Card.
- Apple Pay (Apple Device + Safari).
- PayPal.
- PayID.
- Funds Transfer.
Once we have received your payment, you can pickup your order in Person or we will send your package to you by Australia Post.
If you need help, please contact the Shopkeeper: shopkeeper@focis.org.au