How to access the FOCIS web site

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Blog > Archives > How to access the FOCIS web site

To members of the Friends of Churchill Island Society,

This is a reminder about how to access the FOCIS web site.

  1. The web site address is:
  2. You can view most of the information on the new web site without the need to login using your web site username and password.
  3. You only need to login using your web site username and password in order to access a number of services where authorisation is needed.  These include:
    1. Publishing a new item on the site, e.g. an Advertisement.
    2. Posting a comment about a web site item.
    3. Posting or replying in the new Blog.
    4. Uploading a photo in the Photo Gallery.
  4. When you do need to login to the web site, you can do so here:
    • Please note that you don’t need to remember your username – you can login by entering your email address and your password.
  5. If you’ve not received your new web site username and password or if you’ve lost your web site password, you can reset your password by simply entering your email address here: Reset Password
  6. You can reset your password at any time by simply entering your email address here: Reset Password
  7. If you have any difficulties resetting your password, please ask for help by sending us an email:
  8. If you have any questions about any of this, please get in touch by email:

Regards, Tom and Ruth O’Dea
Webmasters, Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc.


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