Ian Jonas

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Blog > Tributes and Obituaries

Today we farewelled a long-term friend of Churchill Island, devoted volunteer for 12 years, and Life Member of FOCIS – Ian Jonas.

The day was perfect for his funeral service which was held below the orchard with a backdrop of contented farm animals chewing on lucerne hay: Crash the Highland Bull and his Highland cows, the dairy cows, the big steer, Max the stallion and Tiger and Timmy the goats. Syd happily pulled the wagon with its precious cargo: Ian’s wife Jan and their family with Ian’s boxed ashes.

Despite all the people and all the distractions, former ranger Scott Campbell guided Syd and the wagon safely through the obstacles. The celebrant Pam Lewis kept everything running smoothly. Ian’s sons and grandson all spoke and Jan stood with them throughout their speeches. Ian’s life-long friend Bill also spoke, and farm manager Trevor spoke on behalf of all CI staff and volunteers. A fellow table tennis player for many years from Leongatha spoke of never having beaten Ian, regardless of their age difference!

FOCIS secretary Christine said a few words on behalf of FOCIS. It was a wonderful celebration of Ian’s full and active life. He will be sadly missed. He and Jan were partners in their volunteer work on CI, but we hope to see Jan back at some time in the future to tend to their beloved animals.

Photo shows Ian grooming Syd, and Syd pulling the wagon to the service site.


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