Christmas Carols 1899

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Articles by: David Maunders

Christmas Carols at Churchill Island 1899


Join FOCIS and Samuel and Margaret Amess to celebrate Christmas as it might have been in 1899.


Historical characters introduce carol singing led by the Phoenix Singers.








Saturday 23 December 11 am and 1 pm

in the Shearing Shed, Churchill Island


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Mooreland Charlie

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Articles by: David Maunders



FOCIS has committed to the purchase of Mooreland Charlie, an 11year old Clydesdale gelding. Charlie will provide buggy rides for visitors and demonstrate historic farm equipment.


We have three Clydesdales but Syd and Max are now in retirement, too old to work and Nellie has not been trained. Charlie has worked in Melbourne and Sovereign Hill and is an experienced horse.


Charlie is FOCIS Christmas and New Year present to Churchill Island Farm and will play a major role in maintaining the heritage of farms worked by horses. He will arrive after the summer season as staff need training and development for his management which is best done after the peak period. He also needs to pass a medical examination before joining us.



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Carol singing

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Articles by: David Maunders

Last FOCIS event for 2022: Carol singing in the farmyard in period dress. Come along on Saturday or Sunday, 17 and 18 December at 1 pm. Listen for the sounds of music and find the choristers. They are conducted by Cecily Woodberry and include Lois Wenham, David Woodberry, Tony Morris, Julie Thomas, Mike Cleeland, Kate Cleeland and Noeline Evans.

If you arrive ealry, come to Amess House and talk to David Maunders about Churchill Island History.


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