Nomination for the Committee at the Annual General Meeting on 12 August 2023

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > AGM on Saturday 12 August 2023 > Nomination for the Committee at the Annual General Meeting on 12 August 2023

  1. If you are thinking about joining the Committee and would like to find out how you can make a contribution to the running of the Society, please contact David Maunders, the current President: or Cecily Woodberry, the current Secretary:
  2. You need to be a Life Member, Honorary Member, or Financial Member of FOCIS in order to nominate for the Committee.
  3. If you’re not sure whether you are financial, please contact the Membership Secretary: Membership Secretary
  4. If you are not financial, you can submit your annual subscription online and then continue with your Nomination: Membership Subscription
  5. You will be asked to provide the names of 2 current FOCIS members – a Nominator and a Seconder.  If you are unable to provide the name of a Nominator or a Seconder, the meeting Chair can call for a Nominator or a Seconder at the AGM.
  6. You may nominate for more than one position.  Please submit a separate nomination form for each position you wish to be considered for.
  7. The closing date for nominations is Saturday 5 August 2023.
  8. Nominations can also be made in person at the AGM.



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