If I join part way through the membership term, do I have to pay the full amount?

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Membership > If I join part way through the membership term, do I have to pay the full amount?

Yes.  If you join the Friends of Churchill Island Society part way through the membership year, you need to pay the full subscription.

However, if you join during the last 3 months of the membership year, you membership will start from the 1st of July that year.

  • The membership year for the Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. is for 12 months from 1 July to 30 June.
  • If you join during the first 9 months of the membership year, i.e. between 1 July and 31 March, your membership term starts as at 1 July of that membership year.
  • If you join during the last 3 months of the membership year, i.e. between 1 April and 30 June, your membership term starts as at 1 July of the next membership year.

If you have any questions about membership of the Society, you can contact the Membership Secretary here: Contact the Membership Secretary


Posted in: Membership

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