How do I update my communications preferences?

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Membership > How do I update my communications preferences?

If you are a member of the Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc., you  can nominate your preferences for receiving communications from the Society:

  1. Preferred means of receiving documents about Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings.
  2. Preferred means of receiving membership renewals and reminders.
  3. Preferred means of receiving other correspondence.
  4. Preferred means of receiving the FOCIS Newsletter.

In each case, you can nominate whether you wish to receive that type of communication by:

  1. Email.
  2. Post.

You can nominate your preferences using this form: Communication Preferences

You can change your preferences at any time.

If you have any questions about membership of the Society, you can contact the Membership Secretary here: Contact the Membership Secretary


Posted in: Membership

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