Can I make a donation and pay for it using electronic funds transfer (EFT)?

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Donations > Can I make a donation and pay for it using electronic funds transfer (EFT)?

Yes.  You can pay for your donation using electronic funds transfer (EFT).

There are three ways you can make a donation to the FOCIS Churchill Island Heritage Fund:

  1. Submit an online application and pay online using your credit card/debit card or your PayPal account.
  2. Download and print a donation form and pay by cheque or money order.
  3. Submit a direct deposit into the Society’s bank account for the Heritage Fund and then submit an online form to tell us where to send your Tax Receipt.

These options are available here: Donations

If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact the Treasurer here: Contact the Treasurer


Posted in: Donations

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