Are my donations tax-deductible?

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Donations > Are my donations tax-deductible?

Donations of $2.00 or more to the FOCIS Churchill Island Heritage Fund are tax-deductible.  The FOCIS Churchill Island Heritage Fund has been endorsed as a DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) Fund and is listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations (ROCO) maintained under Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

The Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. is a recognised charity and is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). You can view the Society’s details on the ACNC Register at the ACNC web site:

If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact the Treasurer here: Contact the Treasurer


Posted in: Donations

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