Logo Design Challenge

Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. > Logo Design Challenge

Call for Entries: Logo Design Challenge

We are excited to announce the launch of our Logo Design Challenge, and we invite talented designers from all backgrounds to participate!  This is your chance to showcase your creativity and design skills while contributing to the visual identity of our Society – the Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc.

About the Friends of Churchill Island Society

The principal purpose of the Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. (FOCIS) is defined in the Society’s Constitution as:

The promotion of the moveable cultural heritage of Churchill Island.

The Society is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the unique history of Churchill Island.

First established in 1980, FOCIS is active in raising funds and providing an opportunity for people interested in the historical significance and the exquisite natural beauty of Churchill Island to get involved and to make a difference.

FOCIS works alongside the Phillip Island Nature Park (PINP) and helps to guide PINP in the preservation of all historical aspects of the Island.

About the Design Challenge

We are looking for a unique and memorable logo that captures the essence of the Friends of Churchill Island Society.  The winning design will be used across various platforms and media, giving the designer widespread exposure and recognition.

Design Challenge Details

  • Prize: A Gift Card to the value of $250.
  • Closing Date: 30 November 2024.

Submission Guidelines

  1. The logo must be original and not infringe on any existing copyrights or trademarks.
  2. Designs should be submitted in high-resolution formats (PNG, JPEG, SVG, AI).
  3. Each participant can submit multiple entries.
  4. A brief description of the logo concept and inspiration is required.
  5. Participants must agree to transfer all intellectual property rights, including copyright, for their logo design to the Friends of Churchill Island Society Inc. (FOCIS).  This includes having your logo altered or modified as FOCIS requires or sees fit.
  6. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

How to Enter

To participate, please complete the online entry form below.  Be sure to include your contact information and any relevant details about your design.


For any questions or further information, please contact the Treasurer: treasurer@focis.org.au

Entry Form

Please note: You don’t need to complete your submission all at once.  The system will automatically save your work and you can resume your submission later.


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